2019 Dodge Durango R/T, 5.7 L, V8

2019 Dodge Durango R/T, 5.7 L, V8

2019 Dodge Durango R/T, 5.7 L, V8

2019 Dodge Durango R/T, 5.7 L, V8
What we have done: 
📍 PCM unlock.
📍 OBD Unlock for aftermarket diagnostics.
📍 Lifted idle rpms.
📍 Programmed the cooling fans for Mishimoto thermostat.
📍 Optimized the Spark Table.
📍 Optimized the Throttle Body.
📍 Disabled EVAP monitoring system.
📍 Disabled MDS.
📍 Removed the speed limiter.
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